
Comments & Revisions in Word

Are Comments Useful?

How many word documents do you write in a day? In a week? Many businesses use Microsoft Word to write up any necessary documents on a daily basis to share information. The number of documents vary in volume from business to business as well.

Secure Windows and Office for your work from home staff

Microsoft’s software offerings are filled with features that allow and even augment enterprise work from home (WFH) setups without sacrificing security. Here are some updates about the company’s applications, as well as other common third-party applications in the Windows and Office ecosystems, which will ensure data security when you’re working remotely.

How much internet bandwidth do you need for remote work?

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed businesses to adopt remote work setups. But with the sudden move, employees are finding out that they don’t have adequate resources to work from home, specifically due to poor or limited internet access. So that you don’t encounter the same issue, find out how much internet bandwidth you need to work from home.

Remote working: Will it be the new norm?

Flexible work setups have often been the subject of debate — employees want the option to work away from the office at least some of the time, but many businesses value well-founded methods and processes. Will the world’s largest work from home experiment change that?
Enforced flexibility
A pandemic is one of the most socially, economically, and politically disruptive events that could ever happen.

How an Audit Keeps Firms Safe

Audits are not fun, flashy, and they do not produce anything exciting. What they are, though, is necessary. Business owners need to be aware of what goes on with respect to their IT infrastructure, whether they do it themselves or have dedicated IT staff to manage that side of the firm.

Mapped Network Drives

Why Use A Mapped Drive?

Accessing files on another computer is sometimes necessary for an employee to complete their assigned work. This is most common when there is a centralized server holding files that many different users need access to, but it can be useful in a network without a server as well.

Our favorite remote working tools

Remote work is on the rise like never before as companies are pressured to sustain operations amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. But even before massive business disruptions, remote working has been a growing trend. Many have been enjoying work-from-home setups with the help of the right tools.

Cloud vs Local Servers – Where should you store your data?

Demarcus Lanier 3/31/20

Businesses are existing in an age of great change. With the changing of the times, there are now various ways that a company could choose to store and retrieve their data from. The newfound emergence of cloud computing has provided an option to the businesses who would prefer to not have to maintain, setup, or buy underlying infrastructure.

Cloud use surges during COVID-19 pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads to more nations worldwide, millions of businesses turn to the internet as their employees are forced to work from home. Is the World Wide Web ready for the sudden increase in demand for cloud-based services?

Even before the pandemic, many companies were already turning to online productivity and collaboration tools for their business.

COVID-19’s huge impact on businesses

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting individuals and businesses worldwide. As COVID-19 continues to spread, the private and public sectors are exerting great efforts to cope with present and future challenges. This includes leveraging technology resources.